Sam's Scramble Eggs

By Sampson Plater

February 2025


  • 6 eggs
  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • butter
  • bacon
  • mushroom
  • 1 slice of bread


  • 1 tosta 
  • 2 frypan
  • 1 spatula
  • 1 knife
  • 1 Gig bowl
  • 1 plates 
  • 1 chopping  bord

Method EGGS

  1. Crack the eggs into the bowl.
  2. Pour the milk in and stir.
  3. Put the piece of bread in the toaster.  
  4. Pour the mixture in a frying pan and cook.
  5. When the toast has finished bring it out and put it  on a plate and if the eggs are done put it on a plate.


  1. Cut the bacon.
  2. Cut the mushrooms.
  3. Put them into a frypan;cook until the bacon is crisp and the mushrooms are wortary.
  4. Put them onto a plat and eat.