Chocolate meringues

May 2024


  • 3 medium free-range egg whites
  • 110g caster sugar
  • 90g  brown sugar
  • 50g dark chocolate, melted


    1. Heat the oven to 120°C/100°C fan/gas ½.  
    2. Put the egg whites and both sugars in a large heatproof bowl set over a pan of barely simmering water. 
    3. Whisk the egg whites and sugar, over the heat, until the all the sugar has dissolved and goes pale and thick (rub a little between fingers should not be able to feel sugar grains
    4. Now pour into an electric mixer with a ballon whisk at high speed  continue to whisk until you have a smooth, thick, glossy meringue and . whisking until cool (about 10 minutes).
    5. Drizzle the melted chocolate into the cooled meringue mixture, then quickly fold, once or twice, to swirl the chocolate through the meringue. Spoon 10 mounds of meringue (roughly 8cm wide) onto 2 of the baking sheets, then make a dip in the middle of each pile. 
    6. Bake in the oven for 1 hour, then turn the oven off and leave the meringue to cool inside it for 2 hours.